"Knox is the best. I never have any pest issues which is proof their product works. The technicians are always very accommodating and the billing department is very professional."

Kim F.



Earwigs are nocturnal bugs, and therefore, often unnoticed. They get their name from an old belief that they would enter the ears of sleeping people and bore into the brain — an instance that is comical in today’s time.

There are 22 species of earwigs, often called “pincher bugs,” in the United States. Out of the listed types of earwigs, 12 are introduced species that traveled from other countries and were brought to the U.S. Only 4 or 5 species are actually common pests.

The adult earwig is about 5/8 inches in length and reddish brown in color. Earwigs can be found in homes, plants, piles of debris, and under rocks. They will invade homes over time. Their biggest trick is hiding in newspapers and hitching a ride into the home. They live in moist, shady areas such as under stones, logs or in mulch. Adults can float in water for 24 hours. Earwigs are omnivorous feeders but are very fond of plant material. They feed on a variety of plants however they are considered minor pests. They also attack and devour other insect pests. Females can have 2 broods but in North America commonly only have 1 with 30 to 55 eggs in a brood. Eggs hatch in about 70 days. Most earwigs species overwinter in the adult form.

Contact us at Knox Pest Control if you think you have an earwig infestation. We will do a thorough search and offer a custom solution, no matter the size of your bug problem!